CCEF3 A collaborative planning platform

Working together, we can improve our students learning outcomes.

Join CCEF3 for FREE for life today.

2021 Transitional Curriculum

A new curriculum has been released for 2021 for teachers in Japan. The curriculum and associated lesson plans are designed to help teachers learn the skills they need to facilitate their students journey to becoming bilingual.

Improved Schedule

Our focus for 2021 is to make the schedule easier to use and feature rich. This will help teachers manage their busy schedule and provide even more insight into how to help their students develop.

Digital Ledger

In order to improve the management of data on the system and ensure that teachers can use the information they find on CCEF3 with confidence, a new digital ledger has been installed in order to immutably maintain a history of all objects stored on the system.

Working together

Meeting the needs of young learners can be difficult as their capacity for learning is so great. Keeping up with them can be challenging for teachers who are already overwhelmed by administrative tasks that are seemingly endless.

CCEF3 (sef) is a collaborative platform that gives teachers the ability gain deeper insight into their work. This insight allows them to continually adapt in near realtime to the needs of their students.

Once your account is setup, just five minutes of feedback per day will allow CCEF3 to begin making recommendations to you based on the progress you are making in each class.

Our goal is to help teachers engage their students in the pursuit of learning and ensuring that they always have the chance to achieve the best possible learning outcomes.

Join CCEF3 for FREE for life today.